2. His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum periculum communi oversættelse - 2. His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum periculum communi Engelsk Sådan siger

2. His rebus agitatis profitentur C

2. His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum periculum communis salutis causa recusare principesque ex omnibus bellum facturos pollicentur et, quoniam in praesentia obsidibus cavere inter se non possint ne res efferatur, ut iureiurando ac fide sanciatur, petunt, collatis militaribus signis, quo more eorum gravissima caerimonia continetur, ne facto initio belli ab reliquis deserantur. Tum collaudatis Carnutibus, dato iureiurando ab omnibus qui aderant, tempore eius rei constituto ab concilio disceditur.

3. Vbi ea dies venit, Carnutes Cotuato et Conconnetodumno ducibus, desperatis hominibus, Cenabum signo dato concurrunt civesque Romanos, qui negotiandi causa ibi constiterant, in his Gaium Fufium Citam, honestum equitem Romanum, qui rei frumentariae iussu Caesaris praeerat, interficiunt bonaque eorum diripiunt. Celeriter ad omnes Galliae civitates fama perfertur. Nam ubicumque maior atque illustrior incidit res, clamore per agros regionesque significant; hunc alii deinceps excipiunt et proximis tradunt, ut tum accidit. Nam quae Cenabi oriente sole gesta essent, ante primam confectam vigiliam in finibus Arvernorum audita sunt, quod spatium est milium passuum circiter centum LX.

4. Simili ratione ibi Vercingetorix, Celtilli filius, Arvernus, summae potentiae adulescens, cuius pater principatum Galliae totius obtinuerat et ob eam causam, quod regnum appetebat, ab civitate erat interfectus, convocatis suis clientibus facile incendit. Cognito eius consilio ad arma concurritur. Prohibetur ab Gobannitione, patruo suo, reliquisque principibus, qui hanc temptandam fortunam non existimabant; expellitur ex oppido Gergovia; non destitit tamen atque in agris habet dilectum egentium ac perditorum. Hac coacta manu, quoscumque adit ex civitate ad suam sententiam perducit; hortatur ut communis libertatis causa arma capiant, magnisque coactis copiis adversarios suos a quibus paulo ante erat eiectus expellit ex civitate. Rex ab suis appellatur. Dimittit quoque versus legationes; obtestatur ut in fide maneant. Celeriter sibi Senones, Parisios, Pictones, Cadurcos, Turonos, Aulercos, Lemovices, Andos reliquosque omnes qui Oceanum attingunt adiungit: omnium consensu ad eum defertur imperium. Qua oblata potestate omnibus his civitatibus obsides imperat, certum numerum militum ad se celeriter adduci iubet, armorum quantum quaeque civitas domi quodque ante tempus efficiat constituit; in primis equitatui studet. Summae diligentiae summam imperi severitatem addit; magnitudine supplici dubitantes cogit. Nam maiore commisso delicto igni atque omnibus tormentis necat, leviore de causa auribus desectis aut singulis effossis oculis domum remittit, ut sint reliquis documento et magnitudine poenae perterreant alios.

5. His suppliciis celeriter coacto exercitu Lucterium Cadurcum, summae hominem audaciae, cum parte copiarum in Rutenos mittit; ipse in Bituriges proficiscitur. Eius adventu Bituriges ad Aeduos, quorum erant in fide, legatos mittunt subsidium rogatum, quo facilius hostium copias sustinere possint. Aedui de consilio legatorum, quos Caesar ad exercitum reliquerat, copias equitatus peditatusque subsidio Biturigibus mittunt. Qui cum ad flumen Ligerim venissent, quod Bituriges ab Aeduis dividit, paucos dies ibi morati neque flumen transire ausi domum revertuntur legatisque nostris renuntiant se Biturigum perfidiam veritos revertisse, quibus id consili fuisse cognoverint, ut, si flumen transissent, una ex parte ipsi, altera Arverni se circumsisterent. Id eane de causa, quam legatis pronuntiarunt, an perfidia adducti fecerint, quod nihil nobis constat, non videtur pro certo esse proponendum. Bituriges eorum discessu statim cum Arvernis iunguntur.

6. His rebus in Italiam Caesari nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum pervenisse intellegeret, in Transalpinam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur, qua ratione ad exercitum pervenire posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dimicaturas intellegebat; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne eis quidem eo tempore qui quieti viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat.
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Resultater (Engelsk) 1: [Kopi]
2. When these things were in agitation, the Carnutes, to object to the chief persons of all the cause of the war, that there is no danger of the general safety, and promise to do, they do not take precautions, because they may not be the most emphasized in the presence of the hostages, to fulfill an oath and plighted honor, their military standards being brought in which manner their the most sacred obligations are made, not from the rest of the Gauls on commencing the war. After having highly praised the Carnutes, from all those who were present and gave their oath, is established, from the time of their departure from the council. 3. When the appointed day came, the Carnutes, Cotuatus and Conetodunus, desperate men, meet together at the sign of the Roman citizens who had settled there for the purpose, among them Gaius Fufius Cita, a distinguished Roman knight, who by Caesar's orders had presided over the,, and plunder their property. The report is quickly spread among all the states of Gaul. For, whenever a more important and remarkable event takes place, in the field, and districts by a shout; the others take it succession, and pass it to their neighbors, as happened on this occasion. Genabum at sunrise, the sun, for the things which were done, in the territories of the Arverni before the end of the first watch of the heard and seen, which is an extent of more than a hundred and 60. 4. There in like manner, Vercingetorix the son of Celtillus, of the highest powers of the young man, whose father had held the supremacy of Gaul, of the whole, and for this reason, because he aimed at, been put to death from the city, summoned together his dependents, and easily excited them. On his design being rush to arms. It is prohibited, Gobannitio, uncle, and the rest of the nobles, they failed to realize that the fate of this to make an attempt; expelled from the town of Gergovia not desist, but held in the country a levy of the needy and desperate. This forced the hand, as many as a passage from the city to give their opinions, leads to; he entreats him to take up arms in the cause of the general freedom, and having assembled great forces he drives from the state his opponents, by whom he had been a little while ago. King by his partisans. He sent to the embassies; and appealed to them to remain loyal. He quickly attaches to his interests the Senones, Parisii, Pictones, Cadurci, and the Turones, the Aulerci, Lemovice, and all the others who border on the ocean adds to the consent of all on him by the imperial power. On obtaining this authority, he demands hostages from all these states, to the number of soldiers, he would soon brought to him a certain quantity of arms each state shall prepare at home, and before what time; In the first horses care. The utmost vigilance he adds the utmost rigor; the size of the punishment for questioning forces. In fact, the greatest of all torments and the death of a sin committed against the fire, it will be less of the cause of the house of one of their eyes put out, or sent back, that they may be the rest, and frighten others by the severity of their punishment. 5. Having quickly collected an army by the Cadurci, a man the utmost daring, with part of his forces, into the territory of the Ruteni; He Bituriges. On his arrival, the Bituriges send to the Aedui, under whose protection they were in the faith, sent envoys to ask for succor, the forces of the enemy, the more easily be able to bear. Aedui, by the advice of the lieutenants whom Caesar had left with the army, send supplies of horse and foot to succor the Bituriges. Who, when they came to the river Loire, which separates the Bituriges from the Aedui, they stayed there a few days did not return home, his lieutenants, to cross the river, nor the treachery of the Bituriges, fearing that he returned back to it in our report the matter, of which it was learned, had planned that, if it had crossed the river, on the one side, and the other Arvemi that surround them. Whether for the reason which the lieutenants, or influenced by treachery, we think that we ought not to state as certain, we have no proof. On their departure, the Bituriges immediately unite themselves to the. 6. These affairs being announced to Caesar in Italy, the time when he more tranquil state by the energy of Cneius. Understood that in the state of Pompey, he set out for Transalpine Gaul. When he had arrived there, he was greatly at a loss to know by what means he could reach his army. For if he should summon the legions into the province, on the road, the battle to fight in his absence; if he were to reach the army, he would act injudiciously, in trusting his safety even to those who seemed to.

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